CSSManager.php 2

Type Line Description
error 20 No summary for property $allCSS
error 24 No summary for property $css

Template.php 6

Type Line Description
error 31 No summary for property $placeholder
error 32 No summary for property $multiples
error 33 No summary for property $multiples_data
error 34 No summary for property $inner
error 36 No summary for property $lang
error 37 No summary for property $allLangs

PollCreator.php 2

Type Line Description
error 14 No summary for class \PollCreator
error 46 No summary for property $errormsg

Poll.php 7

Type Line Description
error 14 No summary for class \Poll
error 43 Argument $pollid is missing from the Docblock of __construct
error 34 No summary for property $polldata
error 35 No summary for property $pollsub
error 36 No summary for property $configjson
error 37 No summary for property $id
error 38 No summary for property $error

JSONReader.php 26

Type Line Description
error 22 Argument $name is missing from the Docblock of deleteFile
error 142 No summary for method getArray()
error 146 Argument $data is missing from the Docblock of setArray
error 146 No summary for method setArray()
error 161 Argument $index is missing from the Docblock of isValue
error 161 Argument $value is missing from the Docblock of isValue
error 161 No summary for method isValue()
error 180 Argument $index is missing from the Docblock of getValue
error 180 Argument $exception is missing from the Docblock of getValue
error 180 No summary for method getValue()
error 207 Argument $index is missing from the Docblock of searchValue
error 207 Argument $value is missing from the Docblock of searchValue
error 207 Argument $column is missing from the Docblock of searchValue
error 207 No summary for method searchValue()
error 239 Argument $index is missing from the Docblock of setValue
error 239 Argument $value is missing from the Docblock of setValue
error 239 No summary for method setValue()
error 254 Argument $index is missing from the Docblock of setValueHelper
error 254 Argument $value is missing from the Docblock of setValueHelper
error 254 Argument $data is missing from the Docblock of setValueHelper
error 254 No summary for method setValueHelper()
error 33 No summary for property $filehandler
error 34 No summary for property $data
error 35 No summary for property $filepath
error 36 No summary for property $datahash
error 37 No summary for property $writeable

Mail.php 10

Type Line Description
error 38 Argument $mailType is missing from the Docblock of __construct
error 53 Argument $key is missing from the Docblock of setContent
error 53 Argument $value is missing from the Docblock of setContent
error 60 Argument $key is missing from the Docblock of setMultipleContent
error 60 Argument $value is missing from the Docblock of setMultipleContent
error 27 No summary for property $templates
error 33 No summary for property $type
error 33 No summary for property $template
error 33 No summary for property $mailHeader
error 33 No summary for property $maillog

api/Captcha.php 1

Type Line Description
error 14 No summary for class \Captcha

URL.php 4

Type Line Description
error 14 No summary for class \URL
error 109 Argument $admincode is missing from the Docblock of generateLink
error 109 Name of argument $admincode does not match with the DocBlock's name $pollid in generateLink()
error 30 No summary for property $querydata

api/DelUserSubmission.php 3

Type Line Description
error 14 No summary for class \DelUserSubmission
error 69 Argument $id is missing from the Docblock of deleteSubmission
error 69 Argument $code is missing from the Docblock of deleteSubmission

Reader.php 3

Type Line Description
error 69 Name of argument $data does not match with the DocBlock's name $array in setArray()
error 69 The type hint of the argument is incorrect for the type definition of the @param tag with argument $data in setArray()
notice 69 Parameter $array could not be found in setArray()

PollAdmin.php 6

Type Line Description
error 14 No summary for class \PollAdmin
error 47 Argument $pollid is missing from the Docblock of __construct
error 47 Argument $template is missing from the Docblock of __construct
error 40 No summary for property $polldata
error 41 No summary for property $pollsub
error 42 No summary for property $template

TemplateLoader.php 6

Type Line Description
error 14 No summary for class \TemplateLoader
error 46 Argument $task is missing from the Docblock of decideOnTask
error 16 No summary for property $maintemplate
error 17 No summary for property $includetemp
error 18 No summary for property $configjson
error 19 No summary for property $htmloutput

Config.php 7

Type Line Description
error 14 No summary for class \Config
error 18 No summary for method __construct()
error 26 Argument $index is missing from the Docblock of getValue
error 26 Argument $exception is missing from the Docblock of getValue
error 26 No summary for method getValue()
error 39 No summary for method __destruct()
error 16 No summary for property $jreader

Utilities.php 1

Type Line Description
error 14 No summary for class \Utilities

LanguageManager.php 4

Type Line Description
error 85 Argument $key is missing from the Docblock of getTranslation
error 19 No summary for property $allLangs
error 23 No summary for property $trans
error 24 No summary for property $lang

api/Export.php 5

Type Line Description
error 14 No summary for class \Export
error 55 No summary for method csv()
error 24 No summary for property $type
error 25 No summary for property $pollsub
error 26 No summary for property $polldata

api/EditPoll.php 14

Type Line Description
error 14 No summary for class \EditPoll
error 45 Argument $n is missing from the Docblock of changePoll
error 45 Argument $d is missing from the Docblock of changePoll
error 45 No summary for method changePoll()
error 56 Argument $n is missing from the Docblock of changeDate
error 56 Argument $h is missing from the Docblock of changeDate
error 56 Argument $a is missing from the Docblock of changeDate
error 56 Argument $t is missing from the Docblock of changeDate
error 56 No summary for method changeDate()
error 88 Argument $list is missing from the Docblock of setMailList
error 88 No summary for method setMailList()
error 107 Argument $array is missing from the Docblock of setAdditionals
error 107 No summary for method setAdditionals()
error 16 No summary for property $polldata

external/Parsedown.php 176

Type Line Description
error 0 No summary was found for this file
error 16 No summary for class \Parsedown
error 24 Argument $text is missing from the Docblock of text
error 24 No summary for method text()
error 37 Argument $text is missing from the Docblock of textElements
error 37 No summary for method textElements()
error 59 Argument $breaksEnabled is missing from the Docblock of setBreaksEnabled
error 59 No summary for method setBreaksEnabled()
error 68 Argument $markupEscaped is missing from the Docblock of setMarkupEscaped
error 68 No summary for method setMarkupEscaped()
error 77 Argument $urlsLinked is missing from the Docblock of setUrlsLinked
error 77 No summary for method setUrlsLinked()
error 86 Argument $safeMode is missing from the Docblock of setSafeMode
error 86 No summary for method setSafeMode()
error 95 Argument $strictMode is missing from the Docblock of setStrictMode
error 95 No summary for method setStrictMode()
error 162 Argument $lines is missing from the Docblock of lines
error 162 No summary for method lines()
error 167 Argument $lines is missing from the Docblock of linesElements
error 167 No summary for method linesElements()
error 319 Argument $Component is missing from the Docblock of extractElement
error 319 No summary for method extractElement()
error 336 Argument $Type is missing from the Docblock of isBlockContinuable
error 336 No summary for method isBlockContinuable()
error 341 Argument $Type is missing from the Docblock of isBlockCompletable
error 341 No summary for method isBlockCompletable()
error 349 Argument $Line is missing from the Docblock of blockCode
error 349 Argument $Block is missing from the Docblock of blockCode
error 349 No summary for method blockCode()
error 374 Argument $Line is missing from the Docblock of blockCodeContinue
error 374 Argument $Block is missing from the Docblock of blockCodeContinue
error 374 No summary for method blockCodeContinue()
error 395 Argument $Block is missing from the Docblock of blockCodeComplete
error 395 No summary for method blockCodeComplete()
error 403 Argument $Line is missing from the Docblock of blockComment
error 403 No summary for method blockComment()
error 428 Argument $Line is missing from the Docblock of blockCommentContinue
error 428 Argument $Block is missing from the Docblock of blockCommentContinue
error 428 No summary for method blockCommentContinue()
error 448 Argument $Line is missing from the Docblock of blockFencedCode
error 448 No summary for method blockFencedCode()
error 502 Argument $Line is missing from the Docblock of blockFencedCodeContinue
error 502 Argument $Block is missing from the Docblock of blockFencedCodeContinue
error 502 No summary for method blockFencedCodeContinue()
error 531 Argument $Block is missing from the Docblock of blockFencedCodeComplete
error 531 No summary for method blockFencedCodeComplete()
error 539 Argument $Line is missing from the Docblock of blockHeader
error 539 No summary for method blockHeader()
error 574 Argument $Line is missing from the Docblock of blockList
error 574 Argument $CurrentBlock is missing from the Docblock of blockList
error 574 No summary for method blockList()
error 643 Argument $Line is missing from the Docblock of blockListContinue
error 643 Argument $Block is missing from the Docblock of blockListContinue
error 643 No summary for method blockListContinue()
error 729 Argument $Block is missing from the Docblock of blockListComplete
error 729 No summary for method blockListComplete()
error 748 Argument $Line is missing from the Docblock of blockQuote
error 748 No summary for method blockQuote()
error 767 Argument $Line is missing from the Docblock of blockQuoteContinue
error 767 Argument $Block is missing from the Docblock of blockQuoteContinue
error 767 No summary for method blockQuoteContinue()
error 792 Argument $Line is missing from the Docblock of blockRule
error 792 No summary for method blockRule()
error 811 Argument $Line is missing from the Docblock of blockSetextHeader
error 811 Argument $Block is missing from the Docblock of blockSetextHeader
error 811 No summary for method blockSetextHeader()
error 829 Argument $Line is missing from the Docblock of blockMarkup
error 829 No summary for method blockMarkup()
error 857 Argument $Line is missing from the Docblock of blockMarkupContinue
error 857 Argument $Block is missing from the Docblock of blockMarkupContinue
error 857 No summary for method blockMarkupContinue()
error 872 Argument $Line is missing from the Docblock of blockReference
error 872 No summary for method blockReference()
error 897 Argument $Line is missing from the Docblock of blockTable
error 897 Argument $Block is missing from the Docblock of blockTable
error 897 No summary for method blockTable()
error 1020 Argument $Line is missing from the Docblock of blockTableContinue
error 1020 Argument $Block is missing from the Docblock of blockTableContinue
error 1020 No summary for method blockTableContinue()
error 1078 Argument $Line is missing from the Docblock of paragraph
error 1078 No summary for method paragraph()
error 1093 Argument $Line is missing from the Docblock of paragraphContinue
error 1093 Argument $Block is missing from the Docblock of paragraphContinue
error 1093 No summary for method paragraphContinue()
error 1130 Argument $text is missing from the Docblock of line
error 1130 Argument $nonNestables is missing from the Docblock of line
error 1130 No summary for method line()
error 1135 Argument $text is missing from the Docblock of lineElements
error 1135 Argument $nonNestables is missing from the Docblock of lineElements
error 1135 No summary for method lineElements()
error 1239 Argument $text is missing from the Docblock of inlineText
error 1239 No summary for method inlineText()
error 1258 Argument $Excerpt is missing from the Docblock of inlineCode
error 1258 No summary for method inlineCode()
error 1277 Argument $Excerpt is missing from the Docblock of inlineEmailTag
error 1277 No summary for method inlineEmailTag()
error 1307 Argument $Excerpt is missing from the Docblock of inlineEmphasis
error 1307 No summary for method inlineEmphasis()
error 1342 Argument $Excerpt is missing from the Docblock of inlineEscapeSequence
error 1342 No summary for method inlineEscapeSequence()
error 1353 Argument $Excerpt is missing from the Docblock of inlineImage
error 1353 No summary for method inlineImage()
error 1388 Argument $Excerpt is missing from the Docblock of inlineLink
error 1388 No summary for method inlineLink()
error 1463 Argument $Excerpt is missing from the Docblock of inlineMarkup
error 1463 No summary for method inlineMarkup()
error 1495 Argument $Excerpt is missing from the Docblock of inlineSpecialCharacter
error 1495 No summary for method inlineSpecialCharacter()
error 1509 Argument $Excerpt is missing from the Docblock of inlineStrikethrough
error 1509 No summary for method inlineStrikethrough()
error 1532 Argument $Excerpt is missing from the Docblock of inlineUrl
error 1532 No summary for method inlineUrl()
error 1560 Argument $Excerpt is missing from the Docblock of inlineUrlTag
error 1560 No summary for method inlineUrlTag()
error 1581 Argument $text is missing from the Docblock of unmarkedText
error 1581 No summary for method unmarkedText()
error 1591 Argument $Element is missing from the Docblock of handle
error 1591 No summary for method handle()
error 1627 Argument $Element is missing from the Docblock of handleElementRecursive
error 1627 No summary for method handleElementRecursive()
error 1632 Argument $Elements is missing from the Docblock of handleElementsRecursive
error 1632 No summary for method handleElementsRecursive()
error 1637 Argument $closure is missing from the Docblock of elementApplyRecursive
error 1637 Argument $Element is missing from the Docblock of elementApplyRecursive
error 1637 No summary for method elementApplyRecursive()
error 1653 Argument $closure is missing from the Docblock of elementApplyRecursiveDepthFirst
error 1653 Argument $Element is missing from the Docblock of elementApplyRecursiveDepthFirst
error 1653 No summary for method elementApplyRecursiveDepthFirst()
error 1669 Argument $closure is missing from the Docblock of elementsApplyRecursive
error 1669 Argument $Elements is missing from the Docblock of elementsApplyRecursive
error 1669 No summary for method elementsApplyRecursive()
error 1679 Argument $closure is missing from the Docblock of elementsApplyRecursiveDepthFirst
error 1679 Argument $Elements is missing from the Docblock of elementsApplyRecursiveDepthFirst
error 1679 No summary for method elementsApplyRecursiveDepthFirst()
error 1689 Argument $Element is missing from the Docblock of element
error 1689 No summary for method element()
error 1773 Argument $Elements is missing from the Docblock of elements
error 1773 No summary for method elements()
error 1803 Argument $lines is missing from the Docblock of li
error 1803 No summary for method li()
error 1825 Argument $regexp is missing from the Docblock of pregReplaceElements
error 1825 Argument $Elements is missing from the Docblock of pregReplaceElements
error 1825 Argument $text is missing from the Docblock of pregReplaceElements
error 1854 Argument $text is missing from the Docblock of parse
error 1854 No summary for method parse()
error 1861 Argument $Element is missing from the Docblock of sanitiseElement
error 1861 No summary for method sanitiseElement()
error 1900 Argument $Element is missing from the Docblock of filterUnsafeUrlInAttribute
error 1900 Argument $attribute is missing from the Docblock of filterUnsafeUrlInAttribute
error 1900 No summary for method filterUnsafeUrlInAttribute()
error 1919 Argument $text is missing from the Docblock of escape
error 1919 Argument $allowQuotes is missing from the Docblock of escape
error 1919 No summary for method escape()
error 1924 Argument $string is missing from the Docblock of striAtStart
error 1924 Argument $needle is missing from the Docblock of striAtStart
error 1924 No summary for method striAtStart()
error 1938 Argument $name is missing from the Docblock of instance
error 1938 No summary for method instance()
error 66 No summary for property $breaksEnabled
error 75 No summary for property $markupEscaped
error 84 No summary for property $urlsLinked
error 93 No summary for property $safeMode
error 102 No summary for property $strictMode
error 104 No summary for property $safeLinksWhitelist
error 126 No summary for property $BlockTypes
error 154 No summary for property $unmarkedBlockTypes
error 1109 No summary for property $InlineTypes
error 1124 No summary for property $inlineMarkerList
error 1952 No summary for property $instances
error 1958 No summary for property $DefinitionData
error 1963 No summary for property $specialCharacters
error 1967 No summary for property $StrongRegex
error 1972 No summary for property $EmRegex
error 1977 No summary for property $regexHtmlAttribute
error 1979 No summary for property $voidElements
error 1983 No summary for property $textLevelElements

SubmissionQuery.php 10

Type Line Description
error 14 No summary for class \SubmissionQuery
error 25 Argument $pollid is missing from the Docblock of __construct
error 104 Argument $d is missing from the Docblock of doMail
error 104 Argument $email is missing from the Docblock of doMail
error 104 No summary for method doMail()
error 16 No summary for property $polldata
error 17 No summary for property $pollsub
error 18 No summary for property $configjson
error 19 No summary for property $id
error 20 No summary for property $mailsend